
See the conference schedule to help plan your travels.

Please note that UMSL, the St. Louis Lambert International Airport, as well as both hotels listed, are connected by the MetroLink and are all just several stops apart on the same line.

Option 1:

Moonrise Hotel
6177 Delmar in The Loop
St. Louis, MO 63112

Moonrise Hotel reservation block was available thorugh Tuesday, May 16, 2017. After that date, any reservations received will be subject to availability and may not be at the discounted group rate.

Option 2:

Pear Tree Inn St. Louis Airport
10810 Pear Tree Lane
St. Ann, MO 63074


Pear Tree Inn reservation block was available through Monday, May 15, 2017. Reservations made after this date will be subject to prevailing rate and availability.